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    c schutte
    "Throttle/choke" control or only a throttle...escalated
    General Product Question posted April 23, 2013 by c schutte 
    1703 Views, 2 Comments
    "Throttle/choke" control or only a throttle control?

    Just purchased yth24k48 from Lowe's. User manual says to start *AND* to run tractor with throttle control in "fast" position. The user manual does not mention a "throttle/choke" positon for the throttle control. Tractor has separate choke button for cold starts.

    The "Easy start-up" guide that came with tractor says, when starting, push throttle control forward into "choke" position. After starting, pull lever backward into "run" position. However, the picture on the "easy start-up" guide does not indicate a separate choke button. The guide is copy-righted 2010 and might be incorrect for our model?

    Do we run the tractor with the throttle pushed all the way forward until it dips into postion or do we start engine in that position and then pull the throttle back a bit? Our old tractor died if left in the throttle/choke position but did not have a separate choke button. The yth24k48 does not die when left in fully forward throttle position. We don't want to run the mower when less than fully powered or when slightly choked but the discrepancy is a bit confusing.

    Thank you.
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    • Marc C

      ANY machine with an engine MUST work with the throttle in the full open position.

      ALL cold starts require the use of full throttle AND full choke. Once running, shut off the choke and back the throttle off to less than half to allow for engine warm up and oil flow.

      You should NEVER run with the choke for more than 1 minute. If you must do this, then you need to get the unit to a repair shop for diagnosis.

      Whenever you ENGAGE or DISENGAGE the deck, the throttle MUST be at half.

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      • c schutte

        Thank you for your prompt response and detailed advice.

        We will assume that pushing the throttle lever all the way forward, as far as it will go, is "full throttle" run position and does not engage the choke in any way on this model tractor.

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