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  • Robert Cummings
    I just purchased an HU800HW walk behind mower. It has the...Answeredescalated2
    General Product Question last edited February 10, 2012 by Robert Cummings in Husqvarna: Ask & Answer > Walk Behind Lawn Mowers public
    I just purchased an HU800HW walk behind mower. It has the one lever adjustment for the wheels. The problem is that the deck is too low. If I want to cut my grass shorter, the deck catches on the least little rise in the ground. A mole trail, not a mound, will stop the mower because the deck is catching on it and that is with the mower set on level 4. Levels 1, 2 and 3 are not even useable. I purchased this mower with the large rear propelled wheels because I do have a lawn that is not level. Any suggestions on what to do other than leaving the grass 4" tall? Can the blade be lowered? Is there another adjustment on the deck for the level brackets?