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  • John Seus
    Email contact request - I am attempting to locate an...Answeredescalated2
    General Product Question last edited February 10, 2012 by John Seus in Husqvarna: Ask & Answer > String Trimmers public
    Email contact request - I am attempting to locate an individual employed by Husqvarna whom can answer a quantity of questions, ranging from model specific to product wide inquiries. As of now, my product specific questions relate to trimmers and brush cutters. It would seem wasteful to post all questions due to the wide spectrum of topics.

    Some questions relate to conflicting information I have and some questions are for which I have no answers. I am looking for concrete factual details, in hard copy form, regarding the spectrum of questions. These inquiries must go to the/an individual within Husqvarna that has been assigned the authority and responsibilities to do so, as to avoid any possible conflicting and/or incorrect information. I would deduce this individual possesses required education and has the knowledge and experience within Husqvarna to competently and completely resolve this matter. Thank you kindly for the assistance in locating and providing this individuals email address for contact. Respectfully, John S.