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  • Rich
    I just bought a brand new Husqvarna self-propelled 173cc...Answered1
    Service & Maintenance Question last edited February 10, 2012 by HusqvarnaAnswerArmy Silver in Husqvarna: Ask & Answer > Walk Behind Lawn Mowers public
    I just bought a brand new Husqvarna self-propelled 173cc walk behind lawn mower (model # 917.377231) from Sears. I love the mower but sometimes it's hard to start. When it's cold it takes a couple of pulls to start (not what a person wants from a brand new mower). When I shut it off after mowing for a while and then restart it, it putters. I then shut it off again and restart it until it's starts correctly.

    I need to know what's going on and if there's a choke system with this mower (I don't see one). I also need to know if I should bring it back to Sears for repair.