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    Statement from a disappointed customer.Answeredescalated5100%
    General Product Question last edited May 21, 2012 by KENNETH VALINE in Weed Eater: Ask & Answer > Weed Eater One public
    Statement from a disappointed customer.

    I purchased my weed eater one back in March, it worked great for 2 mowing sessions, then once put into gear it would shake me to death and make a horrible noise. A quick look behind the rear bumper/plastic shield and I saw my rubber drive wheel was missing chunks. I did a little looking online and saw that the wheel wasn't offered separately from the transmission assembly. I loaded up my mower and dropped it off for warranty service. After about 2 weeks I checked on my mower and the dealership is having a hard time getting me a transmission, now it is a month later and I called to check on the status again and they are telling me once they got the new transmission and installed it they had to order another piece, I believe they said it was the metal wheel that connects the engine to the transmission and they hope to have that part in soon. So long story short after spending over $700 on a new mower (so I wouldn't have to worry about it breaking down) I'm mowing my yard (1 flat acre) with my push mower, again so I don't get another nasty letter from my HOA. I should have used that money to buy a used john deere or something. That's how I feel.