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  • tony dan
    New Husqvarna Snow Blower (ST 121E) is hard to push!...Answeredescalated1
    Service & Maintenance Question last edited February 10, 2012 by tony dan in Husqvarna: Ask & Answer > Snow Blowers public
    New Husqvarna Snow Blower (ST 121E) is hard to push! How to fix this?

    My father-in-law bought a new Husqvarna ST 121E. He is a 6'4 dude (and a contractor!) but finds it really hard to pull the snow blower.

    He took it to the local dealer in Chicago and they found nothing wrong. Because there was no snow is December (when he bought it), the return policy expired. The dealer offered 50% of the price he paid, which is ridiculous.

    Can anyone help in explaining how to fix this (is there something stuck in the whells or something), or how can he return the machine. Thank you. Tony