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  • James Knopp
    I'm researching the market for a back pack blower and...Answeredescalated1
    General Product Question last edited April 20, 2012 by James Knopp in Husqvarna: Ask & Answer > Leaf Blowers public
    I'm researching the market for a back pack blower and want the best on the market. So far I have narrowed it down to the Husquvarna 580BTS and the Sthil BR600 Magmum. The 570 BTS has more wind speed from the tube than the 580BTS,236 vs 206.2 mph. Why does the cheaper model have a greater windspeed? I called customer support and I asked 3 questions and got "I don't know" each time instead of trying to find someone whom may of been able to help. I'm pretty sure I'm going to buy a 580BTS, but if the customer support is not behind your products, then I may have to buy a Sthil.
    Also, I am a retired military veteran and the 580BTS is listed at $549.95. None of the dealers offer discounts. Could
    Husquvarna offer me a small discount on this model?