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  • Brandon Rust
    My Weed Eater One 875 Riding Mower won't start. I had...escalated
    Service & Maintenance Question posted September 12, 2014 by Brandon Rust in Weed Eater: Ask & Answer > Weed Eater One public
    My Weed Eater One 875 Riding Mower won't start. I had mowed the front lawn with no problems, stopped for a break, and when I went back, I couldn't get the key ignition or pull ignition to start. When I turn the key, I don't get anything at all. So I thought the battery went dead. Tried pull starting, but to no avail.

    Took out the spark plug, and tested. Not getting any spark. Ignition coil is still magnetized.

    If anyone could give me a step by step guide of things to check and troubleshoot, I'd be very grateful. TIA Brandon