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  • John W Downs
    I purchased a model VS2000BV 25cc Blower/Vac. I first ran...Answeredescalated1
    Service & Maintenance Question last edited February 10, 2012 by John W Downs in Weed Eater: Ask & Answer > Blowers public
    I purchased a model VS2000BV 25cc Blower/Vac. I first ran the unit on 07/20/2011, it seemed to be runing correctly at that time. I went to use the unit for the 3rd time on 08/06/2011, but every time I would fully depress the throttle button the unit would start to bog down or stall. I used new gas with the 40:1 oil mix and have used two full tanks with no issues. I have also the gas mix with my Echo Trimmer with no issues. I though it may have been Vapor Lock since it was around 100 that day. I let the unit cool down until the next day and I noticed the primer bulb not pulling up gas to the bulb. I looked at the fuel lines and found the weighted filter off and some fiber looking junk in the incoming fuel line. I removed the line at both ends & blew out the fiber junk in the line. After that the unit would start, but still would not run on full throttle. The unit will only idle, sometime fast then slow down after about 10 to 20 seconds. Did something in the carb go bad or what else could cause this issue?