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General Product Question

    Magnus Lübeck
    Switzerland: Which mobile provider is used for Automower...
    General Product Question posted July 17, 2018 by Magnus Lübeck, last edited July 17, 2018 
    Switzerland: Which mobile provider is used for Automower Connect in Switzerland?


    How do I find out which mobile provider is used for the M2M services for the Automower Connect in Switzerland. At my location I usually have good reception on my mobile phone (Swisscom), but my Automower 450X loses the connection over and again.

    The reconnect usually does not work automatically, but I usually can force it to connect again by going into the Automower Connect menu and disabling it, then enabling it again a few times. If this had been happening rarely I would not mind, but I have to do this a couple of times per day.


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