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General Product Question

    John Willows
    I am considering the purchase of a Husqvarna ST230P...
    General Product Question posted October 23, 2015 by John Willows 
    290 Views, 1 Comment
    I am considering the purchase of a Husqvarna ST230P (30″) 291cc snow blower however after reading approximately 50 reviews, these 200 series machines seem to have an extremely high rate of belt failures.
    Can you tell me if the issue has been resolved with these machines?
    The other common complaint is that replacement belts were simply not available all winter. Has this been rectified as well?
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    • Robert Wilkins

      Hello, Sorry your question has been gone unanswered for so long but if you browse the website there are hundreds of unanswered questions on the most simple questions. If they are answered its an automated or generic "We apologize for  your inconvenience" not sorry. I would RUN NOT WALK from snow blowers made by Husqvarna!!!!!! Their chainsaws and dirt bikes I would buy in a second even the Jonesred chainsaws are great. I also read the other reviews after the fact on hard to get parts and other issues with the 200 series machine.  However after spending almost $1400 on a Husqvarna ST230P a wonderful looking machine well painted and that's about all. The engine is all Chinese made like most Snow Blowers however this model had ISSUES not just with the engine but the reverse with only one speed is not only inadequate it would not go up my driveway which is almost flat or my shed ramp which is only a 3" rise over a 2-3 foot length. I tried the cable adjustments it just made things worse by not disengaging forward speeds. The auger also was askew after releasing the auger handle the auger still spun with force it was slow but still spun. I brought it back to Lowes and guess what same Auger and reverse issues. I called Husqvarna they said bring it in for adjustments (you have only 30 days for adjustments in their warranty and transportation is on me) I called 5 of the "authorized Husqvarna repair centers" 2 were out of business the remaining three said the only work or repair on Husqvarna small engines IE chainsaws and weedwhackers etc. I live in Upstate NY everyone has a snowblower. I called the best in our area Grassland equipment and repair the service guy refused to take the machine until mid December missing my 30 day warranty for adjustments. I asked him for advice he said "bring it back AGAIN to Lowes" then go and buy an Ariens. I took his advice and purchased my second Areins snow blower in 12 years the first I gave to my son in law after they purchased a new home and I thought that the Husqvarna was an upgrade!!!!!! Morale of the story stick with what works and who stands behind their product with at least a phone number. Try and call Husqvarna you cant they refer you to local out of business ill prepared dealer network.  I hope this helps or at the least gets them to stand behind there product can you imagine if this was during the heart of Winter? My experience started around mid October 2015 until Nov 4 2015 when I bought and tested the Ariens 30" with same chinese motor LOL    Thanks Bob

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