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General Product Question

    Chuck Bowers
    Poulan Pro Inertia Break: Safety is a top concern of mine...escalated
    General Product Question posted May 22, 2013 by Chuck Bowers, last edited May 22, 2013 
    Poulan Pro Inertia Break: Safety is a top concern of mine for the chainsaw purchase I intend to make. I am interested in the PP5020AV. I found reference to an inertia break in the saw’s user manual, but neither the product features nor specification sections of the product webpage mention much less provide useful information on the inertia break feature, which leaves me skeptical about its performance or adequacy. Please refer me to any documentation you can about the inertia break that would help with my purchase decision. A video or a product information page like any of the following would be especially helpful to me and likely a worthwhile marketing investment to include on your webpage.
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    Husqvarna Chain Saws: TrioBrake™
    What is TrioBrake™ /images/us/support/working-with-chainsaws/what-is-triobrake/

    The fact that the Poulan Pro page doesn't have a link to this site and is only available from your Facebook page is poor customer outreach. There are people who don't use Facebook. And having to create an account to ask a product question is quite annoying.
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