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General Product Question

    Kathy Motashami
    Is there a retailer out there who can help me?escalated
    General Product Question posted August 5, 2012 by Kathy Motashami 
    Is there a retailer out there who can help me?

    Sorry but there's no easy way to ask this.  I'm a 60 yo, unemployed newbie (and yes a single female too who has to do everything herself) to power equipment.  Unfortunately when I find work I have to work even if it means putting in 60 - 70+ hours week.  So with the weather here in NY being very condusive to the grass growing off the charts, and to help make my life just a little easier I figured, I have a brand new leaf blower.  Why not use it.  So instead of having to rake the grass cuttings, I can blow the grass cuttings into a pile and then take them away and dump in my back yard.  So after mowing my lawn for 3 hours, being exhausted, and without thinking, I did the big no no, I picked up the wrong gas container totally fogetting the leaf blower needed to have the mix the same as the new chain saw I have.  I've been told there's nothing to be done it can not be fixed.

    If this is true, I'm wondering if there's anyway I can find someone who would be nice enough to sell me another new blower at the wholesale price instead of having to pay full retail again.  As mentioned above, I am unemployed, any money earned pays bills and mortgage.  I even collect refundable bottles and cans on a weekly basis for grocery money.  I've been surviving for over 3 years now, working what ever jobs I can find.  Weeding, working for the 2010 Census, a server for catering companies, working as security for the local county fairs, and yes, even collecting bottles and cans where ever I can find them.  So if there's anyone in this community reading this that can help in any way to find someone with a good heart to help me in this situation, I would truly appreciate it.


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