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Service & Maintenance Question

    Fedun Cheryl
    You have a Jordan's Lawn & Garden listed as a service...escalated
    Service & Maintenance Question posted May 11, 2013 by Fedun Cheryl 
    You have a Jordan's Lawn & Garden listed as a service agent in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, with ph.# 230-3009, however, when I called that, it is for a different business. Do you have the new phone number?

    Also, I am having starting problems with my new Blower/Vac as well as the hundreds or thousands of other customers. If a "simple carb adjustment" is all that is needed within the first 30 days of a warranty after purchase, then why weren't the blowers sold with the carb adjustment already done? Also, it would have been good if the products were tested before putting them on the market.
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