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General Product Question

    Conn Carson
    How can I return/exchange a 240 chainsaw that has only...escalated
    General Product Question posted May 4, 2014 by Conn Carson 
    967 Views, 1 Comment
    How can I return/exchange a 240 chainsaw that has only worked once?

    I bought a 240 chainsaw from Lowes in Dec, 2013. I was not able to get it started and called Customer Service. They directed me to the authorized dealer in my area (Kerrville, TX). The dealer replaced the spark plug and got it started. I took it home and used it for about an hour, then stored it in my shed. It has not started again. I took it to Lowes today (May 4, 2014) to see if I could exchange it, but they said it's past the date of exchange/return. I want to know what to do with this chainsaw. Lowes said I could return it there if I have a RA number from the dealer. I need a chainsaw, but have no use for one that has to go back to the shop every time I use it!

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    • Kelly O'Riley

      I would take it back to Lowes with receipt (to the Customer Service Desk) and ask for the Store Manager.  Explain it to him just as you did above, hopefully he'll honor it.  If it were 2 years old, that would be one thing, but they should have plenty of spares in the backroom, or refund your money.

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