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Service & Maintenance Question

    Jerry Duncan
    I purchased a used 327 PT5S pole saw, and the drive sprocket...
    Service & Maintenance Question posted March 7, 2018 by Jerry Duncan 
    43 Views, 1 Comment
    I purchased a used 327 PT5S pole saw, and the drive sprocket needs to be replaced, however I can't figure out how to remove the sprocket. It has a 19mm nut that appears to hold the sprocket on the shaft on the saw head, however when I hold the sprocket and attempt to loosen this nut, I can hear the driveshaft turning and the nut does not loosen up to remove it. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
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    • Eugene Rounds

      I look up the P4 head workshop manual and there is no actual instructions on how to do this.

      Now this said I would separate the head from the pole. Then using an impact gun you should be able to shock the nut off. You may need to find a way to hold the sprocket gear to do this. Most times when I do this with a lot bolts and nuts the sudden acceleration usually breaks free most of them. I only had one fan on a back blower that this didn't work on.

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