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Service & Maintenance Question

    Bill Roya
    I have a 357XP that leaks all of the bar oil when it is...escalated
    Service & Maintenance Question posted August 21, 2014 by Bill Roya 
    1571 Views, 3 Comments
    I have a 357XP that leaks all of the bar oil when it is sitting. My dealer has told me that it is probably the "O" ring seal. To replace this, they said you have to remove the clutch, which you recommend be done by a dealer. That means It will cost me $60. -$90. to replace a less than $10. part. What alternatives do I have?
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    • Eugene Rounds

      Personally I would lean more to the oil pump assembly and maybe the two rubber hoses. I have replaced several worn out pumps causing leakage while sitting, Note some leakage is normal but not a whole tank in a short time.

      Alternatives is buy the clutch removal and piston stop tools so you can remove the clutch yourself but beware these can cost nearly as much as the repair bill if it is between 60-90 dollars depending on where you source the tools. has the tools for around $30-35 including shipping.

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    • robert smith

      solid advice indeed, but please allow me to share my thoughts where this matter is concerned.

      you don't need special tools to stop the piston or remove the clutch.  slowly feed a nylon rope into the jug, it will safely stop the piston b-4 TDC. then the clutch can be spun off counterCW using a simple gripping plier, (one in every toolbox). a beginner can do this job in minutes not hours.

      now, b-4 you go replacing parts be advised that all chainsaws leak barchain oil to one extent or another.

      while it is true that the miniature oil pump delivers a higher volume of lube to the bar & chain, it is still gravity fed.

      there is no gate, or gatekeeper.

      after I finish my cutting detail I empty the fuel tank, runup to starvation kill so I never encounter gumjet while stored.

      then use a milk jug, top cutaway held under my oil reservoir to empty the oil tank. most of the barchain oil evacuates quickly enough.

      never attempt to run your bar chain oil tank dry to avoid the emptying process.

      I still arrive to a puddle, but is much less.

      I keep all of my saws thoroughly clean after every use.  disassemble, use compressor to expel bartrack and oiler holes, clutch area perfect, air filter perfect, then touch up with medium bristle paint brush b-4 reassembly.

      love your saw, it loves you back...

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      • Eugene Rounds

        One minor correction here if I not mistake.

        If you looking at the clutch side it would be clockwise and not counter clockwise. If was setup for CCW removal the engine would spin the clutch back off during operation especially anytime the chain is engaged.

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