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Service & Maintenance Question

    anne crochet
    The brake cable on my Weed Eater One broke and I have to try...escalated
    Service & Maintenance Question posted April 11, 2012 by anne crochet, last edited May 2, 2012 
    202 Views, 1 Comment
    The brake cable on my Weed Eater One broke and I have to try to fix it myself because I don't have the money to take it somewhere. Is there any place where I could find instructions on how to replace the cable? Instructions a novice, female do-it-yourself type can understand. I depend on this mower and must attempt to fix it on my own. I have no choice. PLEASE HELP!
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    • Randy R

       Hi Anne,

      We do not have a detailed workshop manual for this machine,  The replacement of this cable is fairly straight forward.  You will need to remove the front floorboard mounting screws so you are able to left that panel out of the way to access the area where the cable is attached to the pedal.  the is held in place by a clevis and cotter pin.  After removing the the cable will be free from the pedal shaft the cable housing is held into the mount by the plastic tabs that will need to be squeezed in to free it from the mounting bracket,  You will then be able to remove the cable from the front of the machine.  the rear of the cable is held in place the same way as the front.  You will need to pay attention to the way the cable is routed or even run the new cable side by side with the old one to make sure it is routed properly.

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