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Warranty Question

    garrett fricke
    I just bought a 223R Trimmer with the 3 quarts od pre-mixed...escalated
    Warranty Question posted May 21, 2014 by garrett fricke 
    I just bought a 223R Trimmer with the 3 quarts od pre-mixed gas so as to get the 2 year extended warranty.However when trying to register (as required)online the drop down boxes don't work. Such as the place of purchase and type of property things required to register.
    Tried 2 different computers and even called customer service and she had the same problem. Seems to be a website malfunction but the customer service rep said try again later because the are probably working on it.Nonsense,no one will ever know this is happening because customer service will not tell the appropriate people.
    I need to register and upload my receipt.Please help.
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