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General Product Question

    Brahma Nathaswami
    Differences between the 336FR and 345FR brushcutters? Can...
    General Product Question posted December 4, 2015 by Brahma Nathaswami, last edited December 4, 2015 
    Differences between the 336FR and 345FR brushcutters?

    Can someone tell me the key differences between the 336FR and 345FR brushcutters?

    I studied the online specs and can see that that 336FR has only 35 cc engine displacement, 1.9HP and 20 CC of fuel and weighs 15 lb...

    VS 345FR which has 45cc engine displacement, 2.8 HP and a better harness, weighs 18+ pounds. BUT what I cannot see from the specs are any other important differences. Does the 336 have the easy conversion head also?

    I wanted to get the 345FR because we have a serious have bush sometimes here at our place in Hawaii and the 336FR has less horsepower than my small 338XP chainsaw...someone else is telling me that "I think the 336FR would be good enough..." But I worry that it could bog down when we come up again the base of things like really mature guinea grass... near the ground this grass has stems 3/4" think...all in one clump... is almost like a small clump of bamboo... for things like that I'm think we really need the 345FR power... plus I have a bad back and that harness for the 345 looks really good!

    Also, are there any other attachments we can use on the 345FR? (like a tiller or sweeper...) It certainly has the power to run other attachments. Are there other differences between the two machines that are not mentioned in the online specs?
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