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Parts Question

    tom zylak
    I have a RADNE RAKET 120cc engine that uses the Husqvarna...
    Parts Question posted November 19, 2014 by tom zylak 
    400 Views, 1 Comment
    I have a RADNE RAKET 120cc engine that uses the Husqvarna internal parts. I am not sure if "chainsaws" is the right department to address this at but I imagine that Husqvarna does not have a whole lot of 120cc motor varieties.
    I am interested in getting the replacement piston set that includes the piston, wrist pin, circlips and rings. If it helps, the data I am reading from the piston:
    060120+ 5(down arrow) 5 281.1 H(with a box around it) 18 (or 1.8).
    The cylinder bore is 2.362 inches.
    The wrist pin data is: F 3 9
    What is the assembly part number? How much does that cost?
    I do appreciate your time.
    Thank you,
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    • robert smith

      take a look at a 60mm topend kit.  it will re-do the uppers on the 3120 model, but if memory serves, that displacement is 118.8cc not 120cc.  so I am not sure this is helpful to you.  the kits are viewable on many different sites.  amazon,, madsens, ebay, the list goes on...

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