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General Product Question

    Henry Bryant
    About to buy a new husky and every dealer tells me something...escalated
    General Product Question posted June 26, 2012 by Henry Bryant 
    About to buy a new husky and every dealer tells me something different. Can you assist me?

    First...I thought I had my mind made up that I wanted a 324LDX four stroke but I talked to both of my local husky dealers and both told me directly they are trash and said if I buy it they wont service it. So I hate to buy something and have no servicing dealer. The bad part is all the reviews on husky are awesome for that model.

    Now let me tell you what I need/have. I have a troy bilt split boom on its last leg and want to upgrade to a husky. I have every expand it attachment known to man from edger, blower, tiller, pole saw and would like to use them still with my new purchase. I manage my 1 acre lot and I manage my 30 acre hunting property twice a year trimming limbs with the pole saw. I was in lowes and saw some huskys and looked on the expand it attachments and it listed husky as a brand that will work with them.

    Now the issue. Based on talking to two dealerships I told them I wanted to buy a two stoke since they wont sell me a four stroke and told them I wanted to use my already owned attachments and one guys responce was that the only way I could use my attachments was to buy a crappier "I quote" box store version of the husky. He told me what I really needed was the 128DJX and he would sell me new attachments specfic to that model. It really sounded like he was wanting to line his pockets.

    Please tell me what to buy so I get a good unit that will suit my needs. I do not need a blade attachment.

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