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    Roy Dessloch
    I bought a brand new 455 and it would not start. I had the...escalated
    General Product Question posted April 30, 2014 by Roy Dessloch 
    28 Views, 1 Comment
    I bought a brand new 455 and it would not start. I had the chain brake activated. I took it back to the store and they said the owner's manual was wrong and I should have it turned off. What gives?
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    • Karla


      Here is a link on how to start your chainsaw: /images/us/support/how-to-videos/chain-saw-videos-getting-started/

      Now, about your question, First off the chainbrake being activated has absolutely nothing to do with why a chainsaw will not start, However with that said there are a few things you should be aware of:

      First, The chain brake being applied when you start the saw is a safety feature, If you do not have the brake on, then it is possible for the chainsaw to start up at a high rate of speed with the chain spinning, not a good idea.

      Second, when you  set the choke lever on  the model 455 saw to start, the choke not only closes the choke, but also sets the throttle just a little bit open. This makes the engine easier to start, but the engine will come up to above idle speed, then you squeeze the throttle, and this releases the throttle and with the choke open the engine idles. If everything is adjusted correctly when the saw is at idle, you should then release the brake and the chain should NOT turn at idle. Again that is assuming everything is adjusted correctly.

      Something you should try: Without starting the saw, pull out on the blue choke, notice that the red start lever automatically moves to the on position. If you missed seeing it do it again, push the red stop switch to off, and then pull out on the blue choke lever, did you see the red switch go to the on position? Next: pull the blue choke lever out and then push it back in, you have just pre-set the throttle to a little open position, to prove this squeeze rhe trigger, and you should hear a little click sound which released the pre-set throttle.

      So what does all this mean ?

      If you want to do a cold start,  set the chain brake on, push the de-compression valve in, pull out on the blue lever, and pull the start cord once or twice till you hear the engine fire, or make a pop, now push the blue lever back in and give the starter one more pull and the chainsaw should be running in 1-2, maybe 3 pulls but definitely No more. Pull on the throttle trigger momentarily releasing the pre-set throttle, than release the chain brake, and let the saw sit and ile for another minute or two, and your ready to start cutting.

      A warm start, is even easier, just do exactly the same as a cold start except after pulling out on the blue choke lever, push the choke lever back in, again this pre-sets the throttle, and then give it one good pull and it should start, follow the rest of the cold start directions.

      I hope this makes sense, just remember that the choke lever is not simply a choke it is also pre-setting the throttle, and this is  the other reason for having the chain brake on when starting.

      If you have any specific questions Please let me know, and I will see If I can help.

      PS. I am Not a Husqvarna Representative or an Authorized Repair, Just an experimental chainsaw person.


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