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Service & Maintenance Question

    Gunther Schmidt
    Hi, I have an YTH21K46 originally from US but exported to...
    Service & Maintenance Question posted July 9, 2015 by Gunther Schmidt 
    Hi, I have an YTH21K46 originally from US but exported to Sweden. Now, after less than 40 hrs of mowing the tractor is not moving anymore. Left it into a Husqvarna service center in Sweden and they find the transmission axis is dead because some spring went off inside and killed the whole transmission. They want to charge me for about SEK 10.000 for the part (est $800:- + mechanics work time). If I would have bought in Sweden they would have replaced it for free. What can I do?
    Is there a chance to get this part replaced from Husqvarna? There is no way to contact the support.

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