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Service & Maintenance Question

    Rory (Georgia)
    450 Rancher - Why is there so little information available...escalated
    Service & Maintenance Question posted January 11, 2013 by Rory (Georgia) 
    450 Rancher - Why is there so little information available on this unit?.... There are three other "450 Rancher" questions still unanswered...they all say "escalated". Most all of the information on the website(s) and accessories available will include a 450 or a 455 Rancher, but no 450 Rancher. What Husqvarna Chain Saw Maintenance Kit should I get? What information and replacement parts would I need and use for my 450 Rancher? There isn't even a large picture of the unit on your website:

    Accessories offered are only bars and chains.... Really? That's it. Did I purchase a Husqvarna stepchild?
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