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General Product Question

    Ken Bates
    YTH24V48FR as a rough cut mower? I'm considering...escalated
    General Product Question posted June 18, 2014 by Ken Bates 
    YTH24V48FR as a rough cut mower?

    I'm considering buying a YTH24V48FR tractor at Lowes, and have a question as to whether it will meet my needs. I'm on several wooded acres in Colorado, and currently use a Kubota 30 HP tractor with a brush hog to cut down the weeds. It works, but is way overkill since I'm only mowing weeds and small stuff such as skunk cabbage, thistles, etc. Additionally, it's very big, so maneuvering between the trees is sometimes not possible. I'm considering purchasing a Husqvarna YTH24V48FR from Lowes, and am wondering if it will work in this environment. Nothing greater than 1/4 inch diameter stalks, and mainly grass-like weeds and small vegetation. Does anyone use a similar tractor for work like this? Any comments on whether or not it will work? The folks at Lowes say it will, but I wanted to get some opinions from actual users before jumping in and buying it.

    Thanks in advance for any help.
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