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Service & Maintenance Question

    discount brains
    A guy gave me a Husqvarna string trimmer flywheel and...
    Service & Maintenance Question posted February 28, 2017 by discount brains 
    46 Views, 2 Comments
    A guy gave me a Husqvarna string trimmer flywheel and ignition coil. I'm making something else with it and mounted the flywheel onto an electric motor. I can't decide which side is the bottom of the coil-the flat side or the side with the bulge. Anyway it doesn't seem to be producing a spark either way. I would go back and ask him, but he's out,I'm told, with a bad flu. I believe I'll go ahead and buy a new coil. I only see ones that are nearly identical to mine; all should work for me. I just need to know which side goes down. I assume the side with printing goes up.
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    • Eugene Rounds

      Most coils have where the plug wire enters the coil pack facing away from the engine.

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      • discount brains

        I believe I see why u gave that answer. You were probably thinking of the plane of the flywheel being vertical like it typically would be on any engine. I thought of including a picture, but it would probably take me nearly 1/2 hr to hook up the camera and upload it etc. Clearly, the 'pole pieces' or iron core parts that go through the primary of the coil are to be near (0.010" or so) of the rim of the flywheel. There are two elongated holes in the coil for mounting screws to mount to a surface in the same plane as that of the flywheel. I wanted to know which side of the coil faces this surface the flat side or the side with the bulge? I'm hoping there is basically one style here. I understand there are many brands with various styles of coils.

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