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Service & Maintenance Question

    Bryan Waisanen
    Husqvarna GTH24K54 serial # 032513A001368 My main...
    Service & Maintenance Question posted June 13, 2018 by Bryan Waisanen 
    Husqvarna GTH24K54 serial # 032513A001368

    My main question is how do I get the product I paid for to rise to the level of a quality product?

    I purchased the item around 13 as new. When delivered it didn’t even provide an even cut from the onset. Soon there after the front wheel came off the axel and the dealer (same one I purchased it from) told me I had to grease them and mine wasn’t greased. After explaining I service my equipment better than called for, he basically called me a liar saying there was no grease in the wheel and emphatically stated the grease zirk was working because it was checked. When we looked at the wheel it was clean the paint wasn’t scared and there was zero residue from any grease. I asked how that could be if the zirk worked and was checked. He just heightened his level of obstinance.
    I more recently had it serviced elsewhere and despite it still not providing a even cut, worked ok. Until today. My son was cutting today, and the wheel fell off (have pictures). Grease within and no indications of an issue prior to it coming off. Now this was a sudden stop, with a front wheel coming off and the axel driving into the lawn, where he hit his abdomen on the steering wheel.
    So again, I guess my question is why I can’t get a product which works living up to the minimal expectations the salesman promised and one which is safe.

    Respectfully Submitted
    Bryan Waisanen
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