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General Product Question

    pamela kaplan
    Just bought a HU775 walk behind. Runs good, though I am...escalated
    General Product Question posted May 22, 2012 by pamela kaplan, last edited May 23, 2012 
    484 Views, 1 Comment
    Just bought a HU775 walk behind. Runs good, though I am really having to push hard up the inclines, which I thought I wouldn't have to do! Can you address this? ALSO why I wrote, is because the bagger catches most of the clippings, except a trail of clippings is left along the right side of the mower, even when the bag is empty! There seems to be a bit of a gap between the bag frame and where it rests on the body of the mower. Is there a way to avoid having this trail left? It looks very stripey on my lawn... and I should not have to rake. Thats what the bagger is for! Please address both issues. Thank you.
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    • Lars Johnson

      I can answer one of these.  Not highlighted in the owners manual but believe you'll find it in there.  Loosen the nut on the drive engagement cable where it attaches to the handle go make the mower go faster - should help you up the hills.  

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