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Service & Maintenance Question

    John Rupnik
    I have a 2006 4210e. After 8 years, the 4 12v batteries...
    Service & Maintenance Question posted November 4, 2016 by John Rupnik 
    I have a 2006 4210e. After 8 years, the 4 12v batteries were replaced by a Husq dealer this Spring. After breaking them in correctly, I'm having similar symptoms as before they were replaced. Is there some relay that is causing this temporary discharge?? The dealer could not find the problem. I did replace the OBC but no luck on my problem.

    The batteries appear to lose charge (lHUV light indicator) sitting in the garage overnight with the charger either connected or not.  The batteries each read 12.79 V fully charged, but the HUV's charger indicator light shows decreased capacity. After using it for 100 yds, the indicator shows discharge; the bank reads 50.9V.

    Curious, if after sitting overnight after a full charge, it shows a discharge on the indicator, I disconnected the main cables and checked the voltage and it read 51.2V.  When I reconnect the cables, the indicator light shows full charge. Is it as simple as a bad charge light indicator or possibly a relay? It does seem like something resets when I reconnect the battery cables.

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