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Parts Question

    Wendy Owens
    On July 18, 2012, my husband purchased a HV 700L mower. A...escalated
    Parts Question posted June 5, 2013 by Wendy Owens 
    On July 18, 2012, my husband purchased a HV 700L mower. A card enclosed in the owner's manual bag stated that if we registered the mower, we would receive a free rear side discharge chute for the mower. I registered the mower (in my husband's name) but we never received a chute. In August, 2012, I called Husqvarna and was told there was a backlog and that shipments were behind as much as 8 weeks. After hearing nothing, I called again in November and was told the same thing. This spring as I was getting the mower prepared for mowing, I realized that we still had heard nothing and I called again. I was told to send a message to Answer Army, and so now I have. Please let me know when I may expect to hear something regarding the rear side discharge chute.
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