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Service & Maintenance Question

    Mitch Lilien
    I have a 10527SBE snow blower and the left side pulley...
    Service & Maintenance Question posted February 11, 2017 by Mitch Lilien 
    42 Views, 1 Comment
    I have a 10527SBE snow blower and the left side pulley attached to the Idler arm is destroyed. The plastic material is gone from the pulley and it has to be replaced. I've ordered the parts but noticed that the spring is also broke. Where does the spring hook on to and how do I get to the point of attachment.
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    • Eugene Rounds

      Should be hook points one on the arm and other on the side frame. Both will usually have a wear pattern on them. The installation of most springs usually need a spring hook tool. These can be made by the home mechanic but are also available commercially made.

      Personally make my on as I need made to my specs. As different sizes and designs are need to get where you need to go. It like the heavy one made for working under mower frames that need a long reach to pull with. Sometimes you would even a pusher version.

      I can't tell you exactly what you would here as I don't work on snowblowers because there is no need for them here in my area.

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