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Parts Question

    Rocky Chaubey
    I bought a self propelled walk behind mower less than a year...Answeredescalated
    Parts Question posted July 24, 2011 by Rocky Chaubey, last edited February 10, 2012 
    347 Views, 5 Comments
    I bought a self propelled walk behind mower less than a year ago. The bag is not dust proof and by the time I am done mowing my yard, I have half a pound of dust in my lungs and am fully coated all over with a thick layer of dust! Most other manufacturers have dust proof bags. To make matters worse, the welding on either side of the bag handle broke. The receipt from Lowes was printed on thermal paper and has faded. I have finally located an auto repair shop in downtown Fort Worth that also doubles up as an authorized Husqvarna service center.

    Is a dust proof bag available for Husqvarna mowers? If yes, where can I find it? and BTW who thought of marketing these mowers with the "pass the dust through" bags?! It is a major pain and should have come up in field trials before this product was put on the market.
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    Best Answer

    Scott W.

    Thank you for contactign the AnswerARMY.

    The collection system must breath, if the bag can not breathe the mower can not discharge into the bag.

    If you are getting this much dust it indicates you may be mowing to low, you might consider raising your height of cut.

    We do not offer a "dust proof" collection bag.



    • Scott W.

      Thank you for contactign the AnswerARMY.

      The collection system must breath, if the bag can not breathe the mower can not discharge into the bag.

      If you are getting this much dust it indicates you may be mowing to low, you might consider raising your height of cut.

      We do not offer a "dust proof" collection bag.

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    • Rocky Chaubey

      The point is well taken that a bag has to let air out through the weaves of its fabric to allow the grass to be collected in it.  The Husqvarna bag, however has a net with pencil eraser size holes in the back.  There is fabric over it, but it is open below.  As a result all the dust and small pieces of dry grass leaves pass through this mesh and out near your feet and then rise up in a cloud around you.

      IMG_7541.JPG (5.5MB)
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    • Eric Valentine

      Wowa, I have the SAME problem!!

      I owned a Huski model 5521CHV for FIFTEEN years, it was the BEST self propelled walk behind mower one could ask for.  I seriously considered rebuilding it instead of buying new. It was all steel in construction, with a Honda engine.  After 15 years the wheels were worn bald, the engine was sluggish (despite regular oil changes)..  I decided it was time to let the old girl die and buy a new model Huski, thinking there would be quality improvements over the last fifteen years.

      Boy, was I wrong!

      I went back to Lowes where I bought my 5521CHV.    They no longer carried Huski mowers in their stores - that was a message right there I should have heeded.  They only carry Troy Built in the stores - this year anyway.  I ordered a Huski model  961450009 from Lowes. 

      When it finally arrived, this is what I found.

      Huski didn't improve on this mower at all. They took "cost out" by replacing as much metal as possible with plastic.  The mower drive lever, which used to be metal, is not two flimsy plastic levers.  Below the mover, in the blade deck area, which used to be all metal, is now part metal / part plastic.  In addition, the plastic "cowling" fit to the metal deck is horrible. Grass and dirt collect behind it all the time.  The leaf / clipping bag, which used to be sturdily made and mounted to the mover metal to metal, now attaches via plastic blocks - it so very sad.

      But it doesn't stop there.  Some engineer - who never moved a lawn in his life - changed the blade design from a standard blade to a blade that is "up swept" at the ends, which leaves a 3-4 inch trail of clippings on either side of the mover deck when mulching.

      Huski, doesn't anyone test these products!?

      The answer to the that problem was to change the blade back to a standard one,  8$ at Lowes.  (that) Problem fixed.

      The problem I will not live with is the problem this queue was opened for, the dust. It is UNSAFE & UNHEALTHY,  In two minutes when using the bag (either blade) I am covered HEAD TO TOE.  Me, the mower, and this dust quickly clogs my air filter on my mower engine.

      Please don't treat me as you are the others in this queue.  I have owned a REAL Huski product, the mdl 5521CHV.  It did not do this!!!   Don't try to tell me//us that the bag has to have holes.. we know that.. that is why there is an outer bag over the vented bag to prevent this dust condition - and still allow air flow. It is the outer bag in the mdl 961450009 that is defective and needs to be changed back to the same material used in the Huski 5521CHV.

      I want the bag replaced with one of a proper design, or I want Huski to refund me my money for this junk.

      If not, next stop is consumer protection services and social media.

      The only true improvement comes from Honda. The new engine has an automatic choke which along with the engine itself, runs flawlessly.

      I may sound angry - because I am. But I am more disappointed. I could have walked into Lowes and bought a Troy Built mower on the spot, for less money. No, I waited two weeks because I wanted another Huski,  The mdl 5521CHV was worth waiting for.

      The question to Huski is are we customers - or consumers?

      If we are consumers, you will provide another ridiculas answer.

      If  we are your customers, you will do the right thing and fix this problem.

      I will provide my name, address, photos, movies, or anything else you require.

      Eric V.





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    • Eric Valentine

      I know I sounded harsh, but put yourself in my position.

      I can live with all the other shortcomings of this mower, except the bag filtering.  It is truly that bad.

      Please acknowledge this now common compliant.

      Thank you.



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    • Eric Valentine

      The dust is so bad, I have to literally wash myself and the mower down after I use the bag. 

      The last time I mowed had to pull the paper air filter off so I could wash the dust off.

      There is no dust problem to speak of when mulching, which how I mowed most of the summer.

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