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Service & Maintenance Question

    I'm trying to figure out the gauge of the 18" bar...
    Service & Maintenance Question posted May 15, 2018 by JEFFREY HOBART 
    36 Views, 1 Comment
    I'm trying to figure out the gauge of the 18" bar on a 455 Rancher chainsaw. The numbers stamped on the bar are:


    I honestly don't know if it's the original bar or even a Husky brand (no painted name left on it) but I have not been able to ID it. It's a laminated bar with a 10-tooth nose sprocket with a hole for lubrication. Any help identifying it (specifically, the gauge) would be much appreciated!
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    • Eugene Rounds

      Typically the 455 came with either a .050 or .058 gauge bar. Using a cheat try inserting an US dime in the bar groove. A dime will fit in .050 gauge bar but not an US penny. Where a penny will fit in a .058 gauge bar most times.

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