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General Product Question

    Phil O'Guin
    I have the 2654 and only problem so far is TRACTION!, It...
    General Product Question posted August 9, 2018 by Phil O'Guin 
    46 Views, 1 Comment
    I have the 2654 and only problem so far is TRACTION!, It seems that the slightest incline hen grass is damp and traction is lost. Is there a better traction tire that the tires that come on it. are small chains available. I was told by a local tractor dealer that some owners where replacing stock tires atv tractor type tires. any suggestions
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    • GT48DXLS Purchaser

      The bad news is this.... The Warranty will not be covered if you put on any other kind of tire than the turf type tires that came with it.

      I put on Dealer purchased chevron tires for the same reason and was assured that my warranty would not be void. The actual response from husqvarna after I trusted their Dealer (the Dealer I purchased my GT from) and had a warranty issue was this,

       "Husqvarna Technical Services"


      “180620-004017-Bent frame [Incident: 180620-004017]”


      “Recently you requested personal assistance from our on-line support center. Below is a summary of your request and our response. If this issue is not resolved to your satisfaction, you may reopen it within the next days. Thank you for allowing us to be of service to you.”


      180620-004017-Bent frame”


      Response By Email” Name erased for privacy,

      * The tires on the machine are not factory style tires and are very aggressive in nature. Husqvarna does not equip our tractors with such equipment at the suggestion of the transmission manufacture amongst other reasons.”

      Pay special attention to "The tires on the machine are not factory style tires"

      If you can get Husqvarna to give you a different answer, that could only help me. I have the GT48DXLS (Garden Tractor) with 63hrs and 11 months on it.

      The Good News! If you aren't worried about losing your warranty, the chains at Sears for their tractors (some are Husqvarna built) and the Carlisle Fast Trax are a good step up and still turf friendly or the lugs/chevrons (the picture are my Carlisle 4ply lugs) will transform your traction but may be hard on soft turf.

      I truly hope this helps, I know slipping is frustrating.

      IMG_0733.JPG (829KB)
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