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Service & Maintenance Question

    Teran Wilkins
    Has anyone had any issues were there piston locking and not...escalated
    Service & Maintenance Question posted May 21, 2013 by Teran Wilkins 
    36 Views, 1 Comment
    Has anyone had any issues were there piston locking and not compressing.

    My husband and I are very dissapointed with Husqvarna. We bought our backpack blower in December of 2010 (which makes us a few months past our warranty), but this Spring when my husband went to start it, it would not start. We have really only used the product for 7-9 months (2 Summers) and now the product won't work at all and customer service told us "sorry, but there is nothing we can do".  We are wondering if anyone has ever had this issue before and if there is a way to fix it, that doesn't cost as much as a new backpack blower. We are ready to just through it away and never buy from Husqvarna again.

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    • Dan Sweeney

      if you are describing a "stuck  piston ring" you may be able to free the carbon buildup with a product called "Seafoam"  available @ various places, would suggest a compression test to determine if this is actually the problem,  to try a 'seafoam soak' bring the piston all the way up in the cylinder with the plug removed and put a tablespoon or two of seafoam in it and give it a chance to work, say overnight...will smoke  awfull when started but should clear up... if that is the problem..

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