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Service & Maintenance Question

    Donald Denny
    I purchased a HU700F from Lowe's on 04/22/2013. I am...escalated
    Service & Maintenance Question posted June 28, 2013 by Donald Denny 
    500 Views, 2 Comments
    I purchased a HU700F from Lowe's on 04/22/2013. I am having problems with it, as it will not start. I have tried starting fluid, but it dies as soon as the fluid burns off. Is this an issue for warranty?
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    • steve mcleod

      I purchased the same mower last year. LEMON! Take it back if you can. Mine did the same thing and then the idle would not work. The deck guards fell off, the drive belt fell off, the blade cracked and the engine came lose from the deck which was cracked. I have a double lot, all grass, no hills or obsticles. My wife is the one who cuts the grass. Had nothing but issues from the first month. Things I fixed myself, but it kept getting worse. So I take it in for warranty work and to be checked for recall stuff and know, I got totally blown off. Now Lowes has my $350.00 and I have a piece of garbage and Husqvarna says sorry sucker. Time to go back to the $150.00 Toro. I am totally PO'd

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    • Tom Berlett

      I'm having the same problem. Tried to use my brand new mower for the first time this morning and it won't stay running. I seem to be finding a common theme in all of these. The automatic choke system just keeps cycling and the engine will never run at full throttle.

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