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Warranty Question

    How do I know if a particular problem with RZ5424 will be...escalated
    Warranty Question posted October 28, 2013 by WitcheeMe 
    63 Views, 1 Comment
    How do I know if a particular problem with RZ5424 will be covered by warranty (the thing is barely over 5 months old)? The last time it was to be used the brakes failed and when one lowers the brake and holds the handle bars in the up closed position (sorry can't think of another way to describe it)the darn thing decides to start going in circles? I know that the manual says that it has to be taken to a specific service center/dealer for warranty coverage (first failure ... I had to tell the customer service person the name of the service center cuz they were only giving me two and I was on the husqvarna website and had a list of 6!)...they even questioned if I was on the right website so gave them the url.....oh, lo and behold they suddenly refreshed their page and there it miraculously appeared. Anyway, I digress...........I need to know if this is going to be covered or how I can find out PRIOR to paying the ungodly sum it will probably cost me to get it would think that a company would include pickup and delivery for warranty related issues....especially after one has spent thousands of dollars on a piece of equipment and without it even reaching 6 months it is already having this type of issues. Please advise as to what I can do and how I can be reassured that this will be covered by the warranty. Thank you.


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    • Roger Gregory

      Forgetaboutit - as far as I can tell, they don't really cover anything with their  "unwarranty". If it's an engine - go to the Mfg.  If it's the hydro drive - go to the Mfg.  All they will tell you to do is  "go to an authorized service dealer".  Problem with that is the authorized dealers in my area have so many units in their respective shops waiting for parts, they are unwilling to take on more baggage.  Two of the three authorized dealers sent back all of their unsold equipment and have given up on Husqvarna.  They don't want to be an "authorized service dealer" for a product that was sold by the "big box stores".  Within the next week or so, your post will no longer exist. You will be wondering what to do next just like the rest of us.  I know my next move - return the damned thing and buy something from another Mfg. that really cares about their customers  

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