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Service & Maintenance Question

    Norman Saake
    I have a rancher 460 chainsaw. When I first bought the fuel...
    Service & Maintenance Question posted November 6, 2014 by Norman Saake 
    182 Views, 8 Comments
    I have a rancher 460 chainsaw. When I first bought the fuel line was not connected and it dumped the fuel as fast as I put it in. Took three weeks to get it fixed. I have used the saw for a year and now the fuel line is gone from using common regular gas. I drain the tank every day when through and run the carburetor dry, and still the fuel line was ruined. Does Husqvarna sell a better quality fuel line that that can stand unleaded regular gas that has some ethanol in it? Since Husqvarna is a quality product they must be able to have a fuel line that can handle regular gasoline for more than one season.
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    • robert smith

      hello norman.  fuel hose can be found that is more resistant to alcohol, but the hose is the least of your worries.  using ethanol blended fuel in a 2 cycle engine is a very bad idea. straight refined gasoline is the fuel of choice because jaso 2 cycle oil will form a molecular bond with it and thereby get vaccumed into the jugs combustion chamber which reduces friction heat protecting the top-end.

      any fuel which is blended with ethanol and then mixed with jaso 2 cycle oil will leave potential coverage gaps because the oil does not form any bond with ethanol. it is neither attracted or repelled, it just doesn't mix.  so the wear on the top-end will cause pre-mature loss of compression.  hopefully, you will never experience detonation, if that happens the entire top will need replacement.

      fuel line suitable for alcohol exposure can be purchased at any major auto parts store like o'reilly's.

      I would drive 5 miles out of route to buy straight refined high octane fuel, but most people would not.  and that is one reason why I repair/re-build chainsaws professionally.  good luck norman...


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      • Norman Saake


        Have you ever tried using Avgas?  I purchase aviation gas once in a while but heard that it is also not good for chain saw motors.   Where do you normally find straight gas?   On NV we have blended gas during the winter months. Thank you for your input I will try and see if I can get a alcohol resistent fuel line.

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    • robert smith

      and by the by, there are now small chunks of the disintegrated fuel line in your carburetor and the fuel tank.  you should replace all of them, including the impulse hose. then you should use a narrow hosel blowgun to thoroughly evacuate the cylinder.  you should remove and carefully inspect the intake boot for cracks as well.  if cracks have started, additional air will lean your mixture and cause pre-mature loss of compression also...

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    • robert smith

      I am assuming this aviation fuel is a highly refined 95 octane or greater and it has absolutely no ethanol in it.  if that is true, then that fuel is not only the alternative, it is the absolute best fuel to use in that saw.  Husqvarna sells quart sized cans of it for roughly $9.00 and it is 95octane with a pre-mix jaso @ 50-1 ratio.  that av fuel is much less expensive and the highly recommended fuel of choice.  just don't buy 5 gallons and store it.  buy 1 or 2 gallons and bottle them up out of direct sunlight for storage in sealed old whiskey bottles or another suitable sealed container.  I use whiskey bottles because of the long neck so I can fill up a saw without spilling a drop.


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    • robert smith

      i'm not really clear on how all of these empty whiskey bottles accumulated around the shop.  i'm a little fuzzy on that answer...

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    • robert smith

      and mix small batches of fuel at any given time.  I use an old prego jar and the yellow plastic cap from a can of liquid wrench is exactly 1/2oz volume.  one cap (1/2oz) to 25oz fuel is exactly a 50-1 ratio.  use a measuring cup to test volume on whatever mixing containers that you choose.   I filled the liquid wrench cap and dumped that water into a measure cup 4 times and yield was exactly 2oz.  so that cap is tested at 1/2oz volume.

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    • robert smith

      as far as finding straight refined gasoline,  I am certain it is in your town somewhere.  some 7-11's will advertise a single pump with no ethanol.  on-cue express will have pumps with straight fuel.  perhaps you could try calling around town to locate it

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    • Norman Saake

      Thank for your input, it is back to avgas from now on and maybe I won't have to use the extra fuel line I purchased.

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