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Service & Maintenance Question

    James Unterreiner
    I own 2 350BT backpack blowers. Both were manufactured in...
    Service & Maintenance Question posted September 16, 2015 by James Unterreiner 
    52 Views, 1 Comment
    I own 2 350BT backpack blowers. Both were manufactured in 2012 and both were purchased in 2013. One of them has actually been left in the box until this memorial day weekend as I had been keeping it as a backup. Neither of these blowers have very many hours on them, but the ignition module has failed on both of them in the past month. Actually at the same yard after idling for 5 minutes. This seems like a bad batch. I was wondering if this is a known flaw with this blower or if there has been a recall? I have owned 2 other Husqvarna backpack blowers with no trouble and a handheld blower. I also have owned/own numerous trimmers and have never had this problem before. Either way I was wondering, and I would like to know the gap for the ignition module. I doubt that I will be able to get either of these blowers serviced locally as I purchased them from Amazon since both dealers were out of stock at the time I purchased them due to some of my equipment being stolen.
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    • Eugene Rounds

      Use .010-.012" for the air gap. If out warranty then any small engine shop that does 2 cycle work on tistype equipment should be able to do the repairs. Most times the dealer will find something wrong that is not cover by warranty so you most likely get a bill any way.

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