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  • Tony Brower
    We're about to purchase a two-stage snow blower to use...Answeredescalated1
    General Product Question last edited February 10, 2012 by Tony Brower in Husqvarna: Ask & Answer > Snow Blowers public
    We're about to purchase a two-stage snow blower to use on our 100' drive. We are worried because our drive is a dirt drive with some small stones and gravel. We've never had a snow blower and fear that even though we'll try to get any loose stones/gravel off the drive, some will still remain and ruin the snow blower.

    What do you suggest?

    Is it possible to raise the front end of it so it doesn't scrape/clear down to the surface of the driveway?

    The very last thing we want is to ruin such an expensive piece of equipment.

    Thanks for any advice.