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  • Larry Beard
    My Weed Eater 1 was delivered with a flat front tire. The...Answeredescalated2
    General Product Question last edited February 10, 2012 by Larry Beard in Weed Eater: Ask & Answer > Weed Eater One public
    My Weed Eater 1 was delivered with a flat front tire. The valve stem had separated from the tube. That took three weeks to get replaced. Then the steering went bad and I had to wait to get the redesigned adapter. Then the wheels started locking over in a turn. Then the transmission failed and I had to take the mower 20 miles to a service center who had it over three weeks. Today a rear wheel went flat with another separated valve stem. I took a new tube and the tire to an automobile service station to get it mounted and they pointed out that the tire chords are separating from the rubber on the inside of the tire. The Weed Eater 1 is the worst piece of junk I have ever purchased. What do I have to do to get my money back?