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  • Pat Stevens
    I purchased a Weed Eater One from the Rona in Chilliwack,...escalated2
    Warranty Question last edited May 8, 2012 by Pat Stevens in Weed Eater: Ask & Answer > Weed Eater One public
    I purchased a Weed Eater One from the Rona in Chilliwack, BC, Canada on May 21, 2011. The machine's serial number is 041311L002912. It now will not move forward without making a loud grinding noise, though it will go into reverse just fine. I would like to take it in for warranty repairs since it is less than a year old and has less than 20 hours time on it.

    The problem is that when calling the companies listed on the service locator I find that while they will service Weed Eater products they will no longer do warranty repairs. I've called the first nine companies listed with no luck and the next one's are in the US so I'm not going to take it across the border for repairs.

    Can you direct me to a repair agent that will do warranty repairs on my Weed Eater One and don't say to check the service locator?