Stan Skaggs

Cuttin the grass... Drinkin the beer...


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  • Stan Skaggs
    My weedeater one 26" riding mower seems to have a...escalated
    Service & Maintenance Question last edited June 8, 2014 by Stan Skaggs in Weed Eater: Ask & Answer > Weed Eater One public
    My weedeater one 26" riding mower seems to have a carburetor issue in that it runs very draggingly for a few minutes until all at once it kicks into normal operation. I can not run the blade until it "kicks in" bedcause the stress on the running engine will kill it because it is running very poorly at this point, and I have found it best to drive around the yard a couple of time to make it "kick in" to running normal and well. This leads me to believe it is a temp problem in the carburetion somehow. Do you have any suggestions on this or heard of this? I can not take it to a service center, it is under warranty, and I am trying to find what kind of carburetor it is even that I can get parts to fix it with?