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    I have bought last summer, (June 2015) AWD 190 cc with Honda engine, Husqvarna Lawn Mover 22".  I did use the mover to cut the edges on the tree area.  I do have a riding mover, but cannot access certain areas.   This year I wanted to sharpen the blade then all the problems started.  I realized that I do have a star shaped (5 point star) blade adapter and all the star pins sheared off.  I called Husqvarna Customer Service they said the "blade" and "the Blade adapter" is maintenance items, and are not specifically covered under warranty.  So I ordered the part on line and got one, put it on the machine  and Cut the lawn, I realized that all the star pins were shear Off, after the first cut.   I bought two more blade adapter, even after one cut all the star shaped pins were sheared off.   It definitely a poor design on the "Star" and each use it is " disintegrated".   Really disappointed with the Husqvarna Customer service.  I would like to get it fixed, how can I fix this issue.   Please forward me if you find any answer or ways to fix this problem.  Any other Blade Adapter can be replaced to fit  for this Model.   I would like to file a formal complaint with the  Husqvarna Customer Service Department, copy to Better Business Beauro, Customer Protection Agency etc. or file a Class Action Suit, to get a recall from Husqvarna.