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  • Scott Kadera
    Can anyone out there help me get my 25r Trimmer started?Answeredescalated1
    General Product Question last edited April 16, 2012 by Scott Kadera in Weed Eater: Ask & Answer > String Trimmers public
    Can anyone out there help me get my 25r Trimmer started?

    Hi, I bought an old 25r Trimmer from a local auction and had it tuned up by our local service center. They started it there without a problem but now I can't get it started. I've tried full choke, half choke, pushing the bulb a few times, pushing it a bunch of times, trigger in, trigger out, nothing seems to work. I'm sure I am doing something wrong but I don't know what. I also can't seem to find the owner's manual anywhere so I don't know what the right steps are. Can anyone out there help?