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  • Jim Stowe


    "We ask that you work through the local dealer to resolve this issue. If the dealer has questions ask them to call our technical support line for assistance. I feel sure this can be resolved in a timely fashion."

    I have been working with the dealer to the degree it's possible.

    It would seem self-evident that being "resolved in a timely fashion" is impossible since I have been at this for 10+ months now.

    I called technical support this spring.  They in turn called the dealer and I still don't have a complete mower.  They did not appear to be scripted to deal with this type of issue.

    Just so you at Husqvarna know, in addition to failing to install the bumper, this dealer did not clean the tractor for delivery, did not adjust the mowing deck in either axis, did not even offer to help load it on the trailer.  They have not returned a phone call to this day.  When I need something, I have to just call repeatedly until the responsible person is willing to take a call.