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  • Thomas Johnston

    Although I fix virtually everything, the problem was hard to see without taking the whole cross bar and controls off. Since my machine was still under warranty, I let the nearest Husqvarna dealer fix it. I couldn't get that done before because I had no way to get it to them but I bought a trailer recently so I finally got it done in time for winter. Attached is the part of the warranty repair receipt showing the part numbers they replaced.  You can see these parts in online drawings that you can easily find although I remember noticing that some had different part numbers than other lists. 

  • Thomas Johnston

    Your rebate problem is apparently the norm.  When getting my receipt to present to my local dealer for warranty repair on a Husqvarna snow blower that I bought two years ago (but only used once due to lack of snow), I realized that I never received the $50 rebate that I was promised.  I filled out the proper rebate form the day the snow blower was delivered, making sure that I dotted every "I" and crossed every "T" because I know of the bad reputation of rebates not actually paying. I mailed it in as required. I never heard anything after that.  Today, two years later, I realized that I never received the rebate so I went to the rebate site. It said I needed a claim number which, of course, I don't have because I've never heard from the rebate people who would have given me such a number.   As far as I'm concerned, this is a scam and Husqvarna can't blame the rebate folks.  It reflects on Husqvarna and I can tell you that this is the last Husqvarna product I will ever buy because of this experience. Husqvarna promises the rebate but then doesn't take responsibility for paying it. Instead, they tell you to contact the rebate company.  But the rebate company can't help you.  Husqvarna obviously knows about this and does nothing about it. 

  • Thomas Johnston

    Looking at this more carefully, it looks like the ledge on the black plastic piece may not be designed to lock onto the metal plate. I say that because when I slowly release the auger control (while the traction control is fully engaged), there is a slight "snap" as I release it that doesn't appear to have anything to do with the ledge on the black plastic piece but I can see what is causing that snap. It seems like the auger control is locked on in some other way but I can't see what that might be. Something wants to lock the auger on but fails causing a slight snap as it's released.